Truth about gambling craze
Though for many gambling is exciting, for some it substantially disturbs their daily routine. Gambling for such disturbed gamblers turns in to an obsession and the excitement leaves behind innumerable problems connected with the physique, psyche as well as the social and monetary scenarios. For the start of any judicious permanent attempt made in order to avoid this possibility of obsessive actions, the knowledge of the rudimentary facts of compulsive gambling is essential.
Predisposition of Women
1. According to The Good Gambling Guide, women who have a gambling problem tend to be around 45 years of age and like to play without any partner or companion and in places where lots of experience or ability is not essential, for example the slot machines.
Bias of Men
2. As per the report of The Good Gambling Guide, men who have gambling as a problem tend to start early at around 35 years and tend to frequent tables where competition is high and pitch their wits and work to try to beat the house as in blackjack.
Causes for women
3. The Good Gambling Guide recounts that women become compulsive gamblers because of a stressful psyche due to worry, gloominess, despair, lonesomeness or as an escape route from despondent circumstances like a frustrating job, marital problems, or recent separations from spouse.
Triggers for Men
4. As per The Good Gambling Guide, the triggers for men to become obsessive gamblers are lack of self confidence and a low level of self-worth. Men chose gambling to improve their image and self esteem but are frequently overcome with numerous self-created problems like monetary losses, separation from family, owing money and leading a life of deceit as a consequence of their obsession.
Fiscal Facts
5. As per the report of The National Institute of Mental Health nearly 4.2 million citizens of America are the victims of compulsive gambling and the annual income of 60% of these compulsive gamblers is not more than a quarter of a million dollars.
Stages of Obsession
6. Three stages of this obsessive gambling has been identified by The Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery:
1) Stage of Wins – frequent number of winnings inculcates an unwarranted overconfidence that this winning streak will be there for a long time;
2) Stage of Loses – the compulsive gambler undergoes a social withdrawal stage and becomes a loner when it comes to gambling and starts to play frivolously and takes loans from everyone; and
3) The Desperate Stage – due to the excessive time at the gambling table, a feeling of guilt permeates in the problem gambler’s attitude and behavior which further estranges him from his family and friends. He/she starts to blame others for his misfortune and heavy losses and may even start inflicting physical harm to members of his family or may indulge in criminal activities to finance his gambling activities and the ever increasing debts which inadvertently follow.